City to Surf

All the excitement and anticipation captured of the runners as they collect their bibs on the eve of City to Surf 2019.

City to Surf
City to Surf
SMS sent
Photos printed
Photos taken
Emails sent

The Brief

The registration and collecting of the bib for City to Surf has almost become as big as the run itself! Runners make an afternoon of coming in a connecting with all the brands behind the race, purchasing products and entering competitions. A huge supporter of the run, Rebel wanted to connect with the athletes as they passed through their stall.


Building on previous years, Tag Snaps and Rebel worked together to come up with a creative way to engage with the audience. Seeing as some competitors may not look Insta worthy after running 14km, we set up a mock finish line for guests to pose in front of to really nail it! Guest were encouraged to upload their photo to Instagram using the hashtag #runrightwithrebel to win a $500 running prize pack.

We know we can count on your team to make sure everything goes smoothly

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